Preparing to train about EOSC

Welcome to this train-the-trainer course on preparing to teach about the use of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This course is intended for trainers who will include EOSC subjects in their training. It is disciplinarily agnostic and applicable to trainers working with a range of stakeholder groups. 

EOSC Trainers

The course will prepare you to:
  • list/present/illustrate the main elements, principles and standards that constitute the foundation of the EOSC Future project approach.
  • be confident in identifying resources to help teach and answer questions about EOSC.
  • engage with other EOSC trainers through discussion to facilitate networking and good practice sharing.

Course structure

This course should take you no longer than an hour to compete. For each section we have provided a range of supporting resources that you can use to broaden your knowledge of EOSC, as well as to refresh your understanding of key topics that feed into these issues influencing EOSC design and deployment. 

These resources can be found in the supporting resources section and are signposted throughout. We recommend you access them in your own time as points of reference to further your learning, as opposed to the designated content throughout the 4 main learning sections of the course itself.


It’s advised that trainers completing this course will have first completed the introduction to the EOSC module developed for the stakeholder communities in which they train.

This content was updated and finalised on 12/06/2023.



Learning Resources


Open Science





Research Support




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