What institutions need to know? Engaging with the EOSC Portal.

This course offers an overview of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the EOSC Portal, what EOSC enables and how new institutional services can be onboarded - via a collection of practical use cases, examples illustrating EOSC tailored to different domains and success stories on using EOSC resources.

EOSC Intermediaries/Facilitators

This learning outcomes of this course for institutional stakeholders will have several strands including:

  • Understand EOSC and the EOSC Portal and its benefits.
  • Know the current status and development plans.
  • Know how EOSC is being used.
  • Know how to link national developments with EOSC.
  • Be equipped with resources to raise awareness of EOSC.

The course provides an overview of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), highlights the benefits of EOSC for institutions and explains how institutions, libraries and information and communications technology (ICT) services can get involved. It also offers a general overview of the EOSC Portal and Marketplace and procedures to onboard services, repositories and research products to the EOSC Marketplace. Finally, use cases and success stories are presented to illustrate how this works in practice. 

Data Discovery

EOSC onboarding


EOSC Portal




Open Science


Research Products


Service Management

IT Professionals




Policy Makers


Research Communities


Research Infrastructure Managers


Research Managers


Research Networks


Research Organisations


Research Support


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