EOSC Learning Path - EOSC User Trainer

This Learning Path provides the basics on how to become an EOSC User Trainer.

An EOSC User Trainer is an educator who is either providing training on EOSC or wishes to incorporate aspects of EOSC into their training.

This series of six courses were developed following a virtual workshop aiming to provide the foundational knowledge to teach about what EOSC is and its usage. The contents of that workshop is brought together here as a learning path. Each course is also available outside of this learning path as a standalone unit.

EOSC Future Learning Paths

This pathway is designed to equip trainers with the knowledge to:

  • Confidently provide an overview of EOSC,
  • Explain the EOSC Portal,
  • Find and use existing EOSC training resources for their own training needs,
  • Create and share new EOSC training materials and provide engaging synchronous/asynchronous training,
  • Introduce legal and ethical issues pertaining to EOSC,
  • Discuss why interactivity is used in asynchronous training,
  • Explain various elements of accessibility and its importance to training.

The learning path includes six steps with six self-paced courses:

  • Preparing to train about EOSC
  • Training about the EOSC Portal
  • Addressing legal & ethical issues in EOSC
  • Crafting your own training using EOSC resources
  • Introducing interactivity in asynchronous training
  • Incorporating accessibility into training on EOSC

It is not strictly sequenced but it is recommended to follow the courses in the presented order. Each course will take you up to one hour to complete.



Asynchronous Training


EOSC Portal






FAIR principles






Learning Resources


Legal Issues


Open Science




Synchronous Training



Research Support




EOSC Future
This course is always available. You can register at any time and you will have access to the course forever.
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