Oris teme

  • Welcome to PathOS Training Toolkit!

    The PathOS Training Toolkit is the initial version of an educational resource, developed under the PathOS project. The Training toolkit is now crafted to support partners in preparing and conducting training sessions. At this stage, it serves as a comprehensive pool of curated materials intended to foster a deeper understanding of Open Science Impacts. 

    The training toolkit comprises of four learning modules: The OS Indicator Handbook, the Key Impact Pathways for Open Science Impact, the Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework for Open Science and the Case Studies for the Evaluation of Open Science.

    As the PathOS project progresses, the training toolkit will be updated and expanded into a more comprehensive training toolkit designed specifically for training participants. This evolution will incorporate additional resources and refined materials to accommodate a broader audience and facilitate deeper engagement.

  • Practical Guide for Training Activites

    This section is designed to provide our project partners with all the necessary resources and guidance to successfully organise, moderate, and present at PathOS training events.

    Included in this section:

    1. Guide for Training Activities: Detailed instructions for organisers, moderators, and presenters. This guide will help you prepare, execute, and follow up on training sessions effectively.

    2. Training Folder: A dedicated link to the PathOS Training Folder on SharePoint, where you can find all necessary documents and resources, including templates and training materials, organised for easy access.

    3. Training Checklist for Organisers: A practical checklist to help organisers manage tasks and timelines, ensuring that nothing is overlooked in the planning and execution of training events.

    4. Template for Training Presentations: A ready-to-use PowerPoint template that aligns with PathOS branding and Horizon Europe requirements, making it easy for presenters to create professional and consistent presentations.

    We encourage all partners to make full use of these resources to maintain the high standards of PathOS training activities. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please reach out to the WP5 lead. Thank you for your commitment to the success of the PathOS project!

    For additional support or inquiries, please contact the WP5 lead: Tereza Simova (tereza.simova@openaire.eu).

    • Detailed instructions for organisers, moderators, and presenters. This guide will help you prepare, execute, and follow up on training sessions effectively.

    • A dedicated link to the PathOS Training Folder on SharePoint, where you can find all necessary documents and resources, including templates and training materials, organised for easy access.

    • A ready-to-use PowerPoint template that aligns with PathOS branding and Horizon Europe requirements, making it easy for presenters to create professional and consistent presentations.

    • A practical checklist to help organisers manage tasks and timelines, ensuring that nothing is overlooked in the planning and execution of training events.

  • Key Impact Pathways for Open Science

    Learning Objectives  

    By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

      • Understand how the evaluation approaches such as intervention logics and the Key Impact Pathway concept can be applied to model and assess the impact of Open Science. 

    Training Topic  

    This training focuses on the methodology behind the Key Impact Pathways (KIPs) for Open Science Impact, developed under the PathOS project. The KIPs methodology is used for understanding and evaluating the impacts of Open Science practices. It employs a systematic, stepwise approach to map the effects of Open Science activities from inputs to long-term impacts. This involves identifying causal chains through a mix of data collection, coding, and visual mapping to create intervention logic models. These models help stakeholders to trace the academic, societal, and economic impacts of Open Science practices, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their benefits and limitations. 

    Recordings from training

    To be add...

    Training Materials

    • This report provide the methodological framework for the impact pathways. It starts from the Theory of Change and uses the RI-PATHS approach as a baseline model.

    • This report explores the impacts of Open Science (OS) practices with the scope of a proof-of concept study using the impact pathway concept described in PathOS Open Science Interventions Logic  (Dekker et al., 2023). Based on previous data collected by PathOS, particularly from the scoping review by Klebel et al. (2024) and empirical case studies conducted by Cole et al. (2023), this report customizes, tests, and validates the Key Impact Pathway approach in the context of Open Science. The approach utilises evaluation methods and concepts, particularly identifying impact chains (from activities to the creation of outputs, outcomes, and impacts) and collects and codes information from a set of 40+ sources. The resulting information is used to generate high-level impact chains, displayed as intervention logics, of Open Science practices. Three such preliminary pathways indicating the impacts of different Open Science activities are identified in the report: 1) Citizen Science, 3) Open Access pathway, 3) Impacts on climate and environment.  

    • The paper provides an introduction to structural causal models, which are essential for making sound causal inferences in science studies. The authors explain the importance of distinguishing between correlation and causation and illustrate how structural causal models can be used to make causal assumptions explicit. By using graphical representations of causal models, researchers can better communicate their assumptions and findings, thereby fostering clearer discussions and more robust causal inferences. 

    • This paper addresses the challenge of measuring the societal impact of Open Science. The findings of the paper was part of the evidence base for the validation of the Key Impact Pathway approach to Open Science impact. This scoping review systematically analyzes 196 studies to provide an overview of the existing evidence on the societal impact of Open Science. 

    • This paper provides a systematic review of the academic impacts of Open Science practices, which aim to make research processes and outputs more accessible, transparent, and inclusive. Using the PRISMA scoping review methodology, the authors analyze 487 studies to understand how OS practices such as Open Access, Open/FAIR Data, Open Code/Software, Open Evaluation, and Citizen Science influence academic outcomes. The findings of the paper was part of the evidence base for the validation of the Key Impact Pathway approach to Open Science impact. 

  • Open Science Indicators Handbook

    Learning Objectives  

    By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

      • Use the PathOS indicator handbook to gather indicators relevant to one’s own case. 
      • Assess to what extent particular indicators can be interpreted causally and state limitations of that. 

    Training Topic  

    The Open Science Indicator Handbook explores various indicators measuring Open Science's academic, societal, and economic impacts and reproducibility. Taking a causal perspective, the project distinguishes between the impact itself and the effect of Open Science on impact, aiming to understand the difference Open Science principles make compared to closed principles. Recognizing the complexity of causal inference, the handbook includes guidance on operationalizing indicators for Open Science studies, addressing challenges in causal inference and a wide range of impacts and factors involved. It includes both established indicators, like citation impact, as well as emerging and indicators that are actively developed, such as data usage and reproducibility. The handbook aims to be a continuously evolving, community-contributed resource. 

    Recordings from training

    To be add...

    Training Materials

    • This is the work-in-progress Open Science Indicator Handbook by PathOS. In this handbook we cover various indicators measuring various aspects around Open Science itself, their academic, societal and economic impacts, and reproducibility.

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework for Open Science

    Learning Objectives  

    By the end of this training, participants will be able to: 

      • Understand the principles and methods of Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA).
      • Apply this methodology to assess the costs and benefits of open science practices.
      • Interpret the results of CBA and support decision-making processes regarding the financing of Open Science resources.

    Training Topic  

    The training module offers an intensive and interactive learning experience focused on the CBA framework specifically tailored to the assessment of Open Science practices. The framework builds on principles firmly rooted in CBA tradition as well as on established CBA approaches recently developed for assessing investments related to science and research, including Research Infrastructures. It focuses on the specificities of the different projects which give concrete shape to OS practices by describing typical costs and benefits along with possible methods which can be mobilised for their quantification.  
    Recordings from training

    To be add...

    Training Materials

    • This report describes the CBA framework (hereafter the OS CBA framework) specifically developed for the assessment of Open Science practices. It draws from the research carried out by PathOS, whose objective is to identify and quantify the Key Impact Pathways of Open Science relating to the research system and its interrelations with economic and societal actors. This framework is expected to become a benchmark tool for assessing the Open Science thus ensuring consistency in measuring the impacts of Open Science by considering not only benefits but also costs and, moreover, comparing them with a scenario when OS is not available. 

    • The document showcases the application of the OS CBA framework to selected Open Science practices, providing insights into their practical implications and benefits as well as highlighting the challenges encountered in applying this methodology along with mitigation measures. 

      The document is not yet available. It will be delivered by the end of 2024 

  • Data and Methods: Case Studies for Evaluation of Open Science Impact

    Learning Objectives  

    To be add...

    Training Topic  

    This training module focuses on the data and methods used to evaluate the impact of Open Science through targeted case studies. Participants will explore the operationalization of Open Science impact indicators, guided by the Indicators Handbook. The training covers the identification and application of these indicators, detailing the data and tools required for their support. By examining various case studies, participants will learn to analyze enabling factors for Open Science and their effects on impact metrics, providing a framework for assessing the academic, societal, and economic impacts of Open Science practices. This approach ensures that learners can effectively use and adapt these methods in their fields, contributing to the ongoing evaluation and enhancement of Open Science initiatives. The training is scheduled for spring-summer 2025 and will be refined beforehand. 

    Recordings from training

    To be add...

    Training Materials

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