EIFL train-the-trainer bootcamp - February 2023

EIFL's five-day
open science train-the-trainer bootcamp aims to strengthen the training
skills of librarians, research support staff and other professionals
who are based in one of our partner countries and who are planning to deliver open science training to researchers and students

Next bootcamp - November 2023


  • Be able to communicate why open science is an issue that researchers can't afford to ignore.

  • Be able to explain how to go about making research more open. 

  • Be able to explain how to progress a research career through practicing open science.

  • Understand
    how to communicate and teach (pedagogy) open access publishing,
    research data management, open data and open science to researchers and

  • Become confident and better equipped in being able to deal with difficult questions.

  • Be able to plan training activities.

  • Be aware of best practices in training design for online, face to face and hybrid events.

  • Understand how to work with diverse audiences.

  • Know how to evaluate the impact of training.

  • Know how to make training materials FAIR (Finable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). 

Open Science

Data Stewards




Research Support





Recorded Lesson


Supporting Document



This course is always available. You can register at any time and you will have access to the course forever.
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