OpenAIRE Open Science Train-the-Trainer resources

This course is a compilation of the presentations and some of the discussions that happened during the first three iterations of the OpenAIRE Train-the-Trainer bootcamp that has been organised twice a year since 2022.


  • plan and conduct engaging training activities following best practices for online, face to face and hybrid events; 
  • evaluate impact of training and make training materials FAIR;
  • understand the financial and ethical implications of Open Access;
  • provide training on Intellectual Property Rights in the context of Open Access;
  • recommend RDM tools for the different stages of the data curation lifecycle; 
  • train on FAIR and open data; 
  • identify good and bad practices in preparing a Data Management Plan (DMP);
  • give insights into emerging trends in relation to Open Science practices (e.g. citizen science, pre-registration, research assessment, funder requirements, Artificial Intelligence).

Open Science being a fast-moving area, the programme of the bootcamp is revised for each iteration. The bootcamp is designed around three axes: presentations from experts, exchanges of individual experiences and independent learning assignments. 

Short presentations from experts cover the latest 'hot topics' and more in-depth knowledge of lesser-known subjects (e.g. pedagogy theory) and useful tips and tools. The course is meant as a student-centered learning experience and a horizontal knowledge exchange. The presentations are there to encourage participants to engage in group discussions and share their individual experiences as trainers throughout the week. The conversations usually continue beyond the live sessions through the text forum provided on OpenPlato to participants. The networking dimension is also fostered through the platform and additional optional gamified activities, demos and informal get-together. Mandatory assignments ensure every participants engage in peer-to-peer exchange and use the week for self-reflection on the design of a training plan.

Gestão de dados

Open Science




Texto narrativo

Lesson Plan


Recorded Lesson



Esta ação está sempre disponível. Pode-se inscrever a qualquer momento e terá acesso ao espaço de aprendizagem.

Antonio Correia

Flavio Azevedo

Helen Clare

Iryna Kuchma

Jonathan England

Judit Fazekas-Paragh

Lisanna Paladin

Marios Balatzaras

Milica Ševkušić

Pascal Flohr

Pedro Príncipe

Shanmugasundaram Venkataraman (Venkat)


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