Topic outline

  • This self-paced course will give you an overview of the procedures for onboarding services to the EOSC Marketplace. Onboarding is a process that a provider must follow to register a resource in the EOSC Marketplace. The onboarding process is different for research products (publications, data, software), services, data sources and learning resources. Each of these use cases will be covered in a separate course.

    As far as services are concerned, there are two ways to onboard them: 

    • via the EOSC Providers Dashboard
    • using an API.

    If you are onboarding a small number of services, the former approach is more suitable for you. Using the API is recommended to those onboarding many resources. The API also makes it easier to update the resources' records in the EOSC Marketplace. This course covers only onboarding via the EOSC Providers Dashboard, whereas the onboarding via the API is covered in a separate course

    The course relies on the providers’ documentation available on the EOSC Portal and several synchronous training events within the EOSC Future project training programme.


    Learning outcomes

    The course will help you:

    • understand the purpose and benefits of service onboarding;
    • familiarise yourself with training resources and documentation relating to onboarding; 
    • identify and take steps to prepare a service for onboarding;
    • perform onboarding via the web interface

    Course structure

    The content within the course will take you up to 45 min to work through. The course will guide you through the following topics: 

    • benefits of service onboarding and basic concepts and terms.
    • finding instructions relating to the onboarding process.
    • formal requirements regarding providers' legal status
    • steps to take in order to prepare yourself and your services for onboarding.
    • the registration of  providers.
    • further steps towards a better integration with the EOSC Marketplace.


    It is advised that providers taking this course to familiarise themselves with the EOSC Portal and Marketplace.

  • How to onboard services to the EOSC Marketplace via EOSC Providers Dashboard?

  • Certificate