Terms of service


OpenPlato is a Learning Management System (LMS) and catalogue. It has been funded by OpenAIRE and is operated by ICM – the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw, OpenAIRE AMKE office and members. By accessing or using OpenPlato, the User agrees to abide by these Terms of Service and the OpenPlato policies, which can be updated or modified.

Governing Terms

The access to and use of the OpenPlato resources are governed by the terms and conditions defined in these Terms of Service. By using OpenPlato, the User accepts the Terms of Service.


The following terms shall have the following meaning:

  •  "OpenAIRE AMKE members": Regular and Associate members of the OpenAIRE AMKE (https://www.openaire.eu/amke-members).

  • "Public Content": publicly available content, accessible without the need to log in.

  • "Restricted Content": content that is not publicly available; registration and logging in are required to access it.

  • OpenPlato Governing Board: body that includes a representative of OpenAIRE AMKE Executive Board  and each participating partner's/project representative

  • OpenPlato Editorial Board: body responsible for coordinating the daily operation of the service.

  • “Administrator”: user who has a registered account and valid credentials and is able to create and submit content to OpenPlato, and edit items that are already in OpenPlato, as well as to delete/remove items from OpenPlato, add and remove users and manage their privileges.

  • “Manager”: user who has a registered account and valid credentials and is able to create and submit content to OpenPlato, and edit the items that are already in OpenPlato.

  • “Content Provider”: user who has a registered account and valid credentials and can submit content (other than moderators - define who they are and how they qualify for this role)

  • “Registered User”: user who has a registered account and valid credentials, and who can access both Public and Restricted Content.

  • “Trainee”: user who has a registered account and valid credentials, and who can access only specific courses they are assigned to.

  • “General public”: any user who does not have a registered account and can access the Public Content.


Public content is available to anyone free of charge, without restriction. Access to restricted content is subject to the course owner/author’s conditions. Access is not subject to quotas and limitations.

The Users who have registered accounts understand and acknowledge that the granted credentials are for personal use only and that the User is prohibited from permitting any third party from accessing OpenPlato using their credentials.

OpenAIRE AMKE reserves the right to cancel without notice the account of any User e.g. whose affiliation with an OpenAIRE AMKE member has ceased or does not meet the conditions of the Code of Conduct.

General Public is granted an unlimited non-exclusive licence to access and use Public Content. Individual requests for access to Restricted Content are not subject to these Terms of Service and will be resolved separately.

Access to certain features and content may be restricted to all users.


The Content Provider must have the necessary rights to submit content in OpenPlato and must ensure that copyright, privacy, data protection and other issues are cleared with their institutions, collaborators, funders and all relevant stakeholders. The submitted content must fit into the scope of the Content policy.

The OpenPlato Governing Board and OpenPlato Editorial Board reserve the right to remove content in cases described in the Withdrawal/Deletion Policy.

Each item is tagged with the appropriate licence. The User agrees to follow licence requirements by accessing or using content.

When reusing content from OpenPlato, the User must follow licence requirements regarding citation and the acknowledgement of sources. Users must acknowledge the OpenPlato content using its persistent identifier, its original author(s)/creator(s), and the title.

Data Protection and Privacy
This automatically collected information described in the Privacy Policy will never be shared with third parties.

Última alteração: terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2022 às 00:38