Finding Wikipedia links pointing to a repository
Wikipedians often cite content from repositories in Wikipedia articles. Use this page to discover links pointing to a specific repository, or any other domain or URL.
Type the URL of the repository (or handle prefix, DOI prefix, any other domain, etc.) in the search field on this page: to find links in the Wikipedia in English.
To search instances of Wikipedia in other languages, copy the path /wiki/Special:LinkSearch in any Wikipedia instance, e.g. if you add /wiki/Special:LinkSearch after in the address bar of your browser and press Enter, you will get to the page, where you can search for links in the Wikipedia in German.
Detailed instructions (with a video)
Task: Search for links to a repository (or any other internet resource) in a Wikipedia instance of choice. Share your impressions on the Forum. Tell us what you've searched for and what you've found out.