Overview of rights retention mechanisms

Suber, Peter. 2021. ‘Rights Retention and Open Access’. European Research Council. 28 October 2021.

cOAlition S resources

Part of the online campaign “Publish with Power: Protect your rights“ 
Although primarily intended for researchers who have to comply to the Plan S requirements, these resources are generally useful.

To help authors, cOAlition S has created:

More information: https://www.coalition-s.org/resources/rights-retention-strategy/

 Author's Rights Quiz (cOAlition S)

Webinar: Rights Retention Strategy

Webinar: Rights Retention for Books and Book Chapters

Use cases

Implementing the rights retention strategy for scientific publications: Guide for researchers (France)

Tate, D. (2022). Open Science Policies at the University of Edinburgh: Putting Policy into Practice. Septentrio Conference Series, (1). https://doi.org/10.7557/5.6759
Recording: https://uit.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=c7a79fd4-78bd-4a72-9ea2-af49009fafee 

Posledná zmena: nedeľa, 29 januára 2023, 15:46